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3 Effective Shopping Campaign Tips for Summer

Antonella Saravia

5 years ago



‘Tis the season for outdoor gatherings, midweek sidewalk meals, and overall enjoyment. Summertime brings people together, which creates a series of opportunities for brands as users are more active than usual. Instead of hibernating, people are out and about. That means there is more to do, more to use, which means more to search for. 

Check out the smart list of practices that you can do this summer to get spotted by your target audience and increase sales this season!

Use Promotion Extensions

Creating a promotion extension for summer holidays like the Fourth of July will help you display special prices to potential customers. These eye-catching footnotes will show below your ads and will help your promotion stand out. It’ll be easier for searchers to spot deals, and heightened visibility can result in increased sales for your business. 

Some cool things on promotion extensions:

  • They are available at the account, campaign, or ad group level. If you create an extension for each, Google will use the most specific. 
  • This feature allows flexible scheduling. This includes the time of day, day of the week, or date range. If you have an inkling of what will work best, you can set it.
  • They are free to add and you are only charged for clicks, not views. 

Let’s say that you sell summer dresses and you want to set promotions ads for the two weeks before the 4th of July and then again a few weeks before Labor Day. You can set it up to do that.

Expand Ad Schedules 

School is out which means family summer vacations and friendly getaways. In the office, you’ll find casual Fridays and half days, which means that you might find that your ads see more activity after hours. Routines changes with the seasons. Ergo, extending your schedules on Search or Shopping Ads might be the right shift for your ads. 

Some cool things on ad schedules:

  • Ad schedules allow you to display ads or change bids during certain times. It’s based on a 12 or 24-hour clock. 
  • Specify certain hours or days
  • Set bid adjustments to increase or decrease bids for specific days or hours

Suppose you own a canopy business in Florida. By reviewing your performance schedule for your Search campaigns, you might notice that your ads get the best results between 7 and 11 p.m. on Sundays. With this feature, you can schedule your Search ads to bid and show accordingly!

Increase Mobile Traffic


A change in schedule can be extremely beneficial. Historical data shows that mobile traffic increases during the travel season, aka summer. There is an evident decline in web traffic as users focus on leisure and alternative work routines. This makes sense as people are spending more time out of their homes, whether it’s the local park or a family getaway spot. We all know mobile traffic is valuable, but adjusting your bids for mobile this season may be significant for your overall sales.

That said, how can you jump on top of this opportunity? You can achieve this by:

  • Having a mobile-friendly site
  • Use ad customizers to show specific messages for mobile users. That way your text will capture consumers depending on what they’re searching for, where they’re browsing, what device they’re using, and when they’re looking at. Similar to excel formulas, applying “IF” function customizers allow you to insert a specific message in your text ad when a condition is met, and a default text when it does not. This makes your ads tailored to each search and more relevant to potential customers. 


The tips above are our recommendations to make the most of the summer trends. Test out each of the tips mentioned above to learn how you can refocus your strategies seasonally. To learn more about PPC management and how we can help, feel free to reach out to one of our agents regarding your questions or needs.